Saturday, July 31, 2010


I've just finished the third photo shoot of the past week.

The first was at one of my standard post industrial sites, some nearly nude shots done mostly for fun. We ended a bit sooner than anticipated when the out of the way place we had chosen suddenly became a favored destination for several people. I haven't looked very closely at those images yet.

The second was an indoor shoot with Crimson, who i've known for a long time but hadn't seen in years. We encountered each other accidentally on my last visit, and quickly agreed to shoot. So I hauled rented lights up to her apartment, and we did some high key nudes against a white wall. It turned into four hours, about half of that just talking. Her face fascinated me, expressions racing by as we talked. There should be some good things to choose from.

The third, today, with Ginger Stone.... Colleen introduced us on Thursday night, and within minutes she asked to shoot. We worked an industrial area on Goose Island, a basic brick factory wall and loading dock in the shade. She wore a thong and a large scarf, usually open except when the occasional truck went by and it served as a convenient coverup. I think it may be tough to choose the keepers from this series, looks like lots of good stuff.

After the shoot we went for Vietnamese food on Argyle Street, and had a pleasant conversation.

These last two shoots may fit in well with a tentative exhibit offer extended last night, and which I should learn more about tomorrow. Some new ideas are already floating around, ways to extend these and some older work into a more coherent and balanced series.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Chicago - I've been here more than ive been home this summer, and that's going to continue for about another three weeks. Through the early part of the trip work demands were primary, and there was essentially no time for anything else. Now at last things have settled into a routine and some deadlines have been met.

Beginning earlier this week, I've finally had some time to fit in a couple of evening shoots. The first was on location, at one of my standard outdoor spots, the second indoors, in the models living space. Both were a reversion to an earlier time for me, in the sense that they were more about portraiture, if with models who were wearing little or nothing.

Last night i stopped to see an old friend, and walked out an hour later with two more offers to model. There's another in negotiation from earlier. Already it's approaching the maximum I'll be able to fit into the remaining time, and I'm not even really seeking these opportunities, they're just happening.

There are some other things id like to photograph as well, landscapes and other things. Perhaps the first step is to find time to break and think through the goals, the intent. Its going to be difficult to find time to do that for a little while.