Saturday, August 27, 2022

Next exhibit

 I'm starting to print for the next exhibit, this one opens October 2nd at a small local venue. Most of the images came together quickly, for this one I'm drawing from the "Minima" series, these are what I call naked portraits, that is they're art nudes but with expression of emotion encouraged. It's all simple backgrounds, either in the studio or with careful composition on location. I'm using images from 2010 through 2022, up to 14 selected right now although I never rule out shooting a few more right up until the last couple of weeks.

It will be a mix of black & white, mostly from the earlier years of the series, and some more recent color work... probably alternating on the wall, although with only five printed right now (and needing to order some more paper) it's early.

Dasha and Tiana below, as examples.